What’s New on Real Skate Stories?

By | January 9, 2014

Happy 2014, all! I know I have been a little absent but I’m back. And my posting schedule will still be every other Thursday. But there will be a couple changes this year.

New for 2014

2014-Numbers#1 – More Rink Names

I’m going to start posting more rink names from all over the world. I’m finding that rink names are bringing back memories. However, pictures from the rinks would bring more smiles and even more memories. Please share your pics!

#2 – New Site Design

Later in the year I am going to change the site’s design to be more interactive and engaging. I have a vision of how I want it; I just need the team to make it happen.

#3 – More Interaction

This will come with the new site design.

How About You?

What would you like to see on this site this year?