Happy New Year Roller Skaters

By | January 18, 2015


Happy 2015, roller skaters!

Ok, y’all. It’s that time. I started this site to collect stories, memories and images of roller skating history for a book I’m writing. I will be completing the book this year.

Even though my focus is on Chicago at this time, I am still collecting stories and memories from other states.

Also, I will continue to post every other Thursday.

While I can do this on my own, it would be easier with help. Here are things I need to move my project forward more quickly:

  • E-mail any articles, individual stories or images you find about Chicago rolling skaters, roller rinks or roller skates to msmarcie [at] realskatestoriers.com. Put “Roller Skate Discovery” in the subject line.
  • Send people to this site to share their stories on the site.
  • Research volunteers needed. While I can’t pay you for your time right now, it will be compensated.
  • Money is needed to pay researchers and interviewers, so donations and introductions to sponsors and investors are appreciated

Thank you for your support.


Image: funmozar.com