Did You or Do You Roller Skate?

By | November 28, 2011

roller skates

I am pleased to announce that my roller skating site, Real Skate Stories, is up and running.

This is not the most exciting roller skating site you will find online. However, it is one of the most interesting – well to me. While all of the other sites provide information and share memories, I am collecting people’s roller skating stories and memories. Allow me to elaborate.

After returning to roller skating in 2008, I started researching roller skating in Chicago and Black roller skating in Chicago and found very little information. Even the The National Museum of Roller Skating in Lincoln, Nebraska didn’t have much on either topic.  I smelled opportunity.

Long story short, to make this opportunity work, I’m going to need the stories, images and anything else people are willing to share. Although my focus is on Chicago and Black roller skating in Chicago right now, stories are welcomed from people all over the world. There is one caveat: I am only interested in the stories of people who used quad skates, not inline or ice skates. If you don’t know what quads are, check out the image above. Ok, those are old, but you get the picture.

And it doesn’t matter how well of a skater you were/are  (or not). If you skated, your story will help me. Wow, I can’t wait to learn of other people’s roller skating memories.  Visit Real Skate Stories to share your story now or share the link with others.

4 thoughts on “Did You or Do You Roller Skate?

    1. Marcie Hill Post author

      I am going to check this out. Thank you for stopping through!

  1. David Francis Barker

    Sadly, I don’t roller skate but I know people who do! I live in England, so I’ll try and pass this on. By the way, my son plays hockey for his university team… but he supports Chicago! (not many good hockey teams in England!)

    1. Marcie Hill Post author

      David, that is awesome. If you could pass my site on, it would be greatly appreciated. This would make my site international!! And I adore your son already! Have a great day!

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