Clarification on ROLLER SKATING Research

By | December 20, 2012

Quad Roller SkatesWhen I tell people that I am conducting research on ROLLER SKATING history, people ask me if I am writing about ice skating, inline skating and stepping.

Am I explaining my project incorrectly? What part of ROLLER SKATING don’t people don’t understand?

If I am explaining this incorrectly verbally, allow me to clarify in writing.

I am conducting research on ROLLER SKATING history. I’m interested in quad roller skates only. See the image above. Right now I’m researching Chicago Roller skating history and black roller skating in Chicago. However, I am collecting stories and memories from ALL states and countries.

This is a huge topic and all help is needed. So, if you used to ROLLER SKATE on quad skates, the ones that look the image above or earlier, please share your stories on the form or in the comment section.

Thank you for your support.

Image: shop4skates